Start a Lease - New Customers


You have another rented another unit! Here's how to make it official in Unit Trac:

Select Leases from the menu across the top of the page, then choose Start a Lease.

Step 1: Lease Type - eLease or Standard?

- If you have enabled eLease functionality, you will have the option to "Start eSignature Lease" (left side) or to "Start Standard Lease" (right side).  

* If you have not enabled the eLease (and want to, click here), your first decision will be within customer details below.

Step 2: Customer Details

- The New Customer button will automatically be selected. If the customer has never rented previously and is not currently a customer, fill in all required information and then click the 'Continue' button in the lower right-hand corner.

- If you are signing a new lease for a current or past customer, he or she is considered an existing customer and you will be able to access stored information to make this process quicker.  Selecting 'Existing Customer' for customers already in the system is important; this will impact what they can see when logging into the customer portal.  Also, when looking at information from the 'Customer' menu, you'll be able to see all units associated with the customer in one place.

- Click the gray Existing Customer button to the right of the New Customer button.  This will bring up a drop down menu to help you find the customer.  First will be listed active (current) customers in alphabetical order.  Next will be Inactive (past) customers.  

- Find the correct customer and click 'Continue.' The customer's contact information will auto-populate.

* You will not have the opportunity within the Start a Lease process to add to or edit existing customer information (phone number, address, etc).  If needed, this can be done after the lease has been created, or prior to beginning it.  To edit beforehand, go to My Customers, then click Past Customers (to the right of the green Current Customers tab).  Find your past customer, click on him or her, and click the blue Edit button in the Customer Information box to update information.

Step 3: Lease Details
Select the start date. Please note the start date impacts the invoicing. You want to select the date for when you want to begin invoicing the customer in Unit Trac.

- Select the unit number from the list of available units.  The rental rate will auto-populate based on your business settings, but can be adjusted manually.

- Adjust the invoice periods as needed.

- Click Continue.

Step 4: Confirm

- This screen gives you a lot of flexibility as you begin a new lease. The unit number, start date, and rate will be listed, with the invoice items below.  

- The invoice items will automatically include a deposit (per your business settings) and one month rent.  If you would like to make any changes, click the gray 'Edit Items' button.  Each invoice item will now offer an 'Edit' and 'Delete' button.  

- If you wish to delete an item so it does not appear on the invoice, click the red Delete button.

- To adjust in any other way, click the Edit button.  Now you can change the name of the item, the amount, or strike through it.  In this case, the item will be viewable on the invoice, with a line through it and without contributing to the total.  Click Save.

- Perhaps the customer wishes to pay for more than one month of rent up front.  Click the green Add Rent button; the box automatically adds one month of rent, and you can do this several times. Click Save.   

- When the invoice items are correct, click Continue.

Step 5: Payment

- The Record Payment Now button will be selected automatically.  Confirm the payment amount, date, and payment method.  

- Record Payment Later allows you to record a payment in the future and the invoice items will be listed as unpaid.

- List any payment notes.

- Click the green 'Finish' button.  

* If you forgot to select 'Existing Customer' and have two accounts for the same customer, reach out to our team and we can merge the customer accounts so that your customer records are updated.

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