End a Lease


Now that your customer is moving out, you'll want to end the lease so that the unit can be rented again.

Step 1 - Find the customer and then select Actions > End Lease. If a customer has multiple units, please select the unit.

Step 2 - If a customer has a balance due and/or deposit, you’ll be presented with different options for managing the lease – including selecting the end date and entering any notes.

Once a lease has ended, you still have records of the lease - all payment history, notes and associated documents will remain.   Go to the Customers menu and select the Customer (either in active or inactive) and then you’ll see the past lease.  You can also find the lease information at Leases > My Leases and you will see a “Past Leases” tab for all former customers.

Accidentally end a lease? Don’t worry...the lease can be restored.  Locate the lease and select Actions > Restore Lease. Once a lease has been restored, it will be back in your active lease list (as long as there isn’t an active lease currently).

If a customer paid a deposit, please follow these directions for refunding the deposit when ending a lease.

If an inactive (past) customer would like to lease from you again, you can select 'Existing Customer' and then you can select their name from the drop-down list - saving you from duplicate data entry.

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