How to Get the Annual Revenue Report

To get a downloadable report that includes your annual revenue along with any applicable tax or credit card fee information, go to
Accounting > Overview > Revenue Report or Business > Reports > Revenue Report.  Enter the date range of January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 and you'll find the totals listed on the last row of the respective column.

Accounting Clean-Up Tips

We suggest checking both the customer credits and the customer list on a regular basis, but if you haven't checked in a while (or ever) - it is best to correct before downloading your revenue report.

  • Go to  Accounting > Overview and click on "Customer Credits."  This will show if a payment has been recorded, but has not been applied to rent.

  • Go to Customers > My Customers.  If you notice a yellow warning icon - the customer has a potential issue with their accounting.  The "auto-balance" feature can help you correct this.

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