Can I be notified when a customer should be overlocked?

Can I be notified when a customer should be overlocked?
Yes, you can! We know that it would be great if every customer paid on time, but we realize that unless you have automatic recurring charges set-up, you will probably have to deal with late payments and lock outs - which is why the 'Lock Out Notification' is available.
If you would like to be notified of leases that are past due and should be locked out, simply go to Business > Settings > Lease and Select 'Notify for Lockout' and enter the number of days that a customer may be late before you over lock the unit.
After enabling this notification, you will notice a lock icon on the poor standing leases that will indicate that a unit should be overlocked. You can click on the lock icon to quickly toggle between the locked out/unlocked state of the lease.    
When a payment is recorded for a lease that is locked out, you will be asked if you would like to unlock the unit.
If you unselect the 'Unlock Unit' box, the status of the unit will remain locked and this will be displayed in your poor lease standings and on your site map.
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