All about Auto-charge

What is auto-charge?
Auto-charge allows you to automatically run credit card charges for this lease on a schedule. This removes the headache of charging the card manually every time rent is due.

To get started, you will need to attach a payment method to this lease to use for auto-charge payments. You will also need to select the date for the first auto-charge.

Can I require that a lease be paid by auto-charge?
When enabled, the customer will be required to enroll in auto-charge if they choose to pay via credit or debit card when signing the eLease. We recommend you include this verbiage in your eLease when enabling this setting. Requiring auto-charge can be enabled at Business > Settings > Accounting & Invoicing.

Why can't I choose today as the auto-charge date?
The auto-charge process runs early in the morning each day and has typically already run for today by the time you are reading this.

Go ahead and set-up the auto-charge to run the following month. Then you can record a payment for the current date by going to "Record a Payment" in the customer "Actions" menu. 

How can I check to see what date the auto-charge is set to run?
Go to Reports > Lease List and select "Auto-charge" from the list and then choose "Download" or "View".  Any changes needed can be done by going to the customer's information (you cannot update the report to make changes to the auto-charge date).

How is the lease payment method used?
In some cases, customers might have multiple payment methods but prefer to use a certain one when paying for a lease. Attaching the payment method to the lease will help you keep track of this throughout Unit Trac.

Additionally, if you choose to set up auto-charge the payment method you select will be used for the automatic payments.

Does the auto-charge process if a customer is paid ahead?
Yes, the auto-charge simply processes the payment based on the date selected for the next run date. If a customer processes a payment through the portal before the the auto-charge is scheduled, the lease will be paid ahead. 

Can the auto-charge date be adjusted?
Yes, the auto-charge date can be adjusted for several reasons. Perhaps a customer is paid ahead and you want to get the auto-charge in sync with when the customer is coming due again. Or the customer has a special date request. Whatever the situation may be, please go to the customer's "Lease" tab and click "Edit" in the payment methods section to adjust the date as needed. After selecing "Auto-charged Enabled" and selecting the date, the auto-charge schedule will be presented to the right for you to verify upcoming payments and paid through dates.

Click to learn more about credit card processing.

Reduce delinquency and increase your revenue with auto-charge.

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